Thursday, February 10, 2011

A whole lot of goodness here

Here's some of the things Ive been doing in the last 2 weeks.
First off.
Tomato sauce.
 A friend of mine let me borrow a cookery book by Edmond's that is where i found a tomato sauce recipes that was my inspiration.
But i used THIS ONE god knows Y has it took an extra 3 hrs to make LOL well worth it though
its awesome for a first try at making tomato sauce.
 Second this one was for the FIL (pop)
Lemon meringue pie One of his fav's.

 This is one of those that i make off the top of my head no measuring just how much i think of everything and it all was turns out perfect.

And one for the boys some vanilla cup cakes they where gone by the end of the day lol

Oh now this one was for me feta and spinach pie
another one of my throw together 
 Just perfect with a yummy garden salad on a hot summer day


  1. Wow, thats quite a storm you've been baking up there. Yummo

  2. OMG your making me soooo hungry :)

  3. You obviously don't know how much I LOVE lemon merangue pie, or I'm sure you would have brought me in a piece. I'm even willing to trade a couple of fat quarters!
